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Survey 1 - Impossibility and hardship of family reunion for beneficiaries of international protection

Family reunification represents a safe and legal channel for beneficiaries of international protection to reunite with their separated family members. Family reunification is a crucial element to foster integration of beneficiaries of international protection in host societies and promote economic and social cohesion in the Member States. To this end, EU law recognises more favourable conditions to beneficiaries of international protection to apply for family reunification in comparison with ordinary third-country nationals. However, there are legal gaps and barriers which are in practice undermining the right to family reunification, in particular for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, humanitarian status holders and unaccompanied minors. In fact, several Member States are narrowing the rights to family reunification and reversing the simplified procedures for beneficiaries of international protection. For instance, Sweden has temporarily suspended family reunification for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection until 2019. This survey aims to verify, whether there have been adopted more restrictive standards at national level, aiming at curtailing the facilitated procedures provided for family reunification. The key questions are: what are the results of current EU and national policies on family reunification? Are beneficiaries of international protection still separated from their closest family members? Are their chances of integration in the Member States significantly reduced?